onsdag 16 maj 2007

Trött och sliten

Puh känner mej lite trött, sliten och stressad då vi fick vinterkräksjuka hemma här för en månad sedan var helt däckad i 4-5 dagar. Nu i helgen fick jag frossa och vart rädd att få det igen men det var bara feber och halsfluss, man är lite nervös att gå till jobbet nu då smittan är konstaterad efter prover till smittskyddkliniken på Sahlgrenska sjukhuset. Detta har nu hållit på i 6 veckor hoppas det slutar snart för jag orkar inte med en gång till när jag skall packa & flytta till det nya huset i Askim om bara 9 dagar.

lördag 12 maj 2007

ESC-Vinner 2007

Finaly the votes are ready and Ukraine ended up as nr.2, Sweden came as nr.18 and must qualify next year. The winner from Serbia is the lesbian struggle song from the chubby "Lotta Brome - look a like" Marija Serifovic - Molitva (Translated Destiny in English).

And just for you here is the english clubversion of the song

Eurovision Song Contest 2007

Tonight is the Eurovision Song Contest a real big tv-night. I like to see if Sweden with "The Ark - The worrying kind" will winning.

The biggest favorite to the ESC-victory is supose to be the Ukraine crazy silvertransvestite megacrazy "Verka Serduschka" and the song "Dancing Lasha tumbai". The whole week in Finland the discotek "Euroclub" have played the song, and more have joined to the dragfanclub under the week. On the first rehearsal into Saturday the song was getting an enormeous storm of applause from the large audience.

I hope the crazy Ukraine with the dragartist: "Verka Serduchka - Dancing lasha tumbai" will come in top. They are crazy funny and don't take this serious only have fun one the way to sucess.
See the Ukraine video here and scream on.......Uiii Uiii

onsdag 9 maj 2007


Yesterday i was at the new house and meet the inspector so we could going thru house what was ok and missing. To my very big suprice the havent fix my internet connection so i called them today in emergency to make a LAN-connection in my house so i could work on my website, stay in touch with my friends and pay my bills as fast they will solv it. So in future maybee i just can read my emails thry my work when im aviable. I will drop you a photo from my new kitchen i took yesterday and later on i will take more pictures.

lördag 5 maj 2007

Liseberg Garden exhibition

4-6 May 2007. Finaly this years garden exhibition days at Liseberg is here. There where more people then ever and lots off nice flowers and trees. There was grand opening a week ago for the amusement park and ist still running at the weekdays this month. I didnt bought anything cos i going to move to another house in some days. I hope to catch some more indoor flower's later on. Especially from Asia and South America. I also looking for learning language as spanish and thai.